Open Letter: Bud McKeon R 25 – CA
Dear Representative McKeon,
There is empirical evidence to prove that the United States is operating a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth Program. I first came to the Owens Valley in 1990 during the Clinton Administration.
The components of MOEC as: Electronic Surveillance, Stalking, and Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth were manifest then. At that time I was still able to hitchhike into Tonopah, Nevada.
As seen the text book on how to attack the United States is being written.
There is a manifest Crime Against Humanity and Treason being developed by the social engineering of the United States by defection through Prisoner's Dilemma.
The manifest function is prima facie the latent function as to whom the proximate cause and authorship remains to be proven and is under the obligation of those competent sworn officials as yourself, the President, Attorney General, and Homeland Secretary to expose and prosecute.
Modern Military Strategy involves espionage. The days of very heavy military confrontations between major nation-states is limited as they express their interests and fight though proxies.
I am alleging that Cambridge Law School is the authorship. They have developed a hub and nub network that in the United States is centered in Los Angeles Police Department - LAPD. This 8000 plus agency has a Gay Militia that is divided into cells. A twenty man cell operating three shifts 24/7 has imposed MOEC or Mobilization of Empire and Civilization.
This Membership designs the British Empire. There allegation is that there are members of this clique, MOEC was their nom de guerra from about 1930 henceforward, that helped plan the the War of 1812. The lasting image of this engagement is the setting on fire of the Capital Building. It appears that one or members of this era overlap with the collapse of the Victorian Era circa 1880. This would lead into the preparations for WWII and Chemical Warfare.
The Cambridge Lawyers and their surrogates developed a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. As a consequence of their hedonistic calculus they also sabotaged and attacked some of the best scientists in world history. If one were to examine the alumnus and scientists from 1880 onward the damage would be significant.
As seen the theory states that Trinity Theologians opposed these actors but could not defeat such. What emerges is the scripting of the attack that is ongoing now here in Big Pine as I write.
The Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth may be terminated by one person. An officer named Dodo. This results in a pathology. Hence one person or parent is attributed culpability.
This would but you into a one on one vis a vis confrontation with Dodo.
MOEC is a Racketeered Influenced Corrupt Organization RICO Title 18 1961. Its homeostasis is maintained by RICO Behaviors as Obstruction of Justice, Blackmail, Hostaging, and Intimidating a Witness. This is the invertebration of the Bill of Rights.
The Proximate Cause Test sine qua non to find and decapitate the principals, accomplices, and accessories to the fact is the efficient measure.
An INTERVENTION was and is needed by sworn competent officials.
The Renunciation of the Conspiracy and Intent to make conditions better is also missing.
This feature is descends into the population in your district. We are specify Bishop and Big Pine at the present.
The analogy to the Wizard of Oz is a folkish analogy to explain the Undermining of a nation-state. The Wizard attempts to give at least one thing to everyone living in the kingdom. This is done illegally. Title does not change on crime. Hence this exposés one to blackmail.
The Theory of Extinction states a static role in open texture. Two simultaneous eternities can not exist. MOEC is a Continuing Conspiratol Enterprise and is in direct confrontation with the United States Constitution.
The police are fatalistic and the people are dependent. The entire population here in the Owens Valley has been developed through this quid pro quo reverse sting.
The concept of a double crime develops as a chemical tag is placed over marijuana. This extends through libertine objects as gambling and prostitution towards the necessities of life and business. This ordering of tagging is Irrational and not scientific. As seen marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado. Prostitution has been legalized in Canada.
It is being alleged that the creation of the Salton Sea and the draining of Owens Lake was does to facilitate the penetration by espionage of the British within the United States. The Salton Sea, Owens Lake and agricultural fields are amongst the strongest material evidence that will last for generations.
Conciousness is the Absolute knowledge and awareness of all things. Intelligence is the ability to deduce universals and particulars and apply these materials to oneself and environment organizing human repetoire. Instinct is the innate response and repetoire to one's environment.
This Stanford Binet IQ scale states
145 + Genius
100 - Average
90 - Dullness
70 - Cognitive Impairment. At less than 70 IQ it would be illegal to execute one.
The air, here in Inyo County and the water in Owens Canal is contaminated. The alfa alfa fields are contaminated. The entire area is TOTALLY Corrupt attacking persons as myself to receive their deal.
The Syren Song uses a female foil. This is a natural person named Chris from Delaware. She has divorced and remarried.
This attack will attempt to degrade one to the 80 IQ level. Informally a student with a 3.5 GPA is about 130.
Dodo is clearly delusional. He is not insane but impaired prima facie. He still escalates the attack. He does not renounce the manifest criminal behaviors.
The attack on the Paiute Tribe and Native Americans is slow motion Genocide.
The successful method to attack the United States is to develop Informant - Traitors. In Alturas a recent murder involved 4 persons of the 27 member Paiute Tribe in Cedarville.
The human repertoire is the killing off of conscience.
I am the only person in the History of the World to have witnessed 100 percent of MOEC.
The Gay Militia from Cambridge to LAPD to their accomplices have created a decadence since June 17, 1987. This is expressed as Gay Irrationalism - Gay Know Nothing. It appears that science will prevail.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target. I am the Singularity Experiment.
I was taught in logic class if your answer was 2+2 = 4 you should defend this against the entire population. Under Consequentialism the Membership have created a Yellow Brick Road of deals - quid pro quos which degrade the population to the 80 IQ level.
This attack stresses that Employee Testing is valid. Dodo would fail totally in many discipline areas especially ethics. There are three major corporations here Shell, Mobil, Kmart that are being severely damaged by the nativistic Hate Crime of stalking. The Country Kitchen in Big Pine which you visit here attracts some of the worst elements in American History.
The Manzanar Internment Camp is just south of here.
Ask the Wizard for a Brain.
The Endgame involves a War Crime Trial. This would place criminal liability on the United States and Britain.
If you are being told that President Obama takes his deals and has an Attorney General Exception, then congratulations you have been entrapped as a potential witness to testify against him in the future.
So Dodo a Gay Police Officer approaches one stating that this is a Tournament and becomes entangled in a Homosexual Blackmail ring. Instead of rowing the ship through the straits he sabotages the population.
It is clear that the repertoire in place here is Torture and Traitorous. It can not be replicated.
It will be refuted by the United States, human law and science.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine California
April 21, 2014