Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Open Letter to Hillary Clinton

Open Letter to Hillary Clinton

Big Pine CA
Dateline 9-03-07

Senator Clinton in comments made in Portsmouth NH stated that one of her goals as president was to "work within the system"; and the other was not act like such does not exist. The system in question is the Constitution. Clinton is clearly signaling that she wishes to continue the White Lie begun by Reagan, continued by both Bush and her husband, and now highly escalated by President Bush.

The totalitarian isolation of myself clearly also is a successful attack on citizenship and the substantitive rights actually contained the Bill of Rights. Number 8 clearly states that "There shall be no cruel and unusual treatment."There is no rational manner to explain President Bush's misgivings or condone hers.

By using severe electronic surveillance, chemical assault, and arranging for the average person to harrass me, this country is no more than clamouring for the tyrant.

Hillary Clinton and her propaganda machinery headed by Doctor Howard Dean, have to rexamine their push for Universal Health Care. Is this because by abusing the Constitutional Rights of everyone they will be so sick and congenitively injured the government will have no remedy but free health services?

Is Senator Clinton a legitimate candidate or a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Al Gore is now High Priest of the environmental movement. I don't believe that any participants in this cult have thought it prudent to question his activities in the destruction of the environment.

I am in Big Pine CA. There is no uncontaminated surface water. The Owens River
is completely contaminated. The wheat field behind me is contaminated from the

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