Friday, February 04, 2011

The Myth of HIV/AIDS Positive


Dear Kevin Cathcart,

In Totalitaria, facts are replaced by fantasy and distortion. People are taught systematically and intentionally to lie (Winokur). History is reconstructed, new myths are built…

Rape of the Mind
AM Merloo MD

As the LGBTi platform emerges past June17, 1987, the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution, the entire world has fallen into a haze of mythology relative to the objectivity of LGBTi History and the president.

Fact: There is an ongoing Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth in the United States and other locations worldwide that is imposed over my natural person and citizenship. The Salton Sea in California is despoiled artificially.

Fact: I am being attacked because I am opposite sex (heterosexual) not LGBTi or same sex in behavior and identity.

Fact: The attackers in this country are a Gay Militia (their label) operating out of LAPD.

Fact: There are an estimated 600,000 people living with HIV/AIDS if actual counts and estimates are combined.

Fact: LAMBDA is one of the leading LGBTi advocacy and HIV/AIDS groups with a leadership of sworn lawyers.

Fact: President Barack Obama is criminally negligent and hypocritical as Jasmine Revolutions unfold in Egypt and elsewhere. LGBTi activist David Kato was killed just after Obama’s State of the Union Speech on January 26, 2011.

After pointing out these details, one can conclude that the Chemical Assault is real and the censorship and sanitization radiates from LAPD implicating sworn officials. This includes the leadership of the LGBTi platform of which you are prominent.

In this regards, with what remains of my physical acuity, I am beginning to advocate the HIV/AIDS population hopefully to awake some opposition from this somnambulist herd of quid pro quo payoffs which only lowers one moral and legal status. What is needed is a shock to rebuild the conscience of the culture.

With a cost of $30,000 per person for the HART cocktail at 600,000 individuals a net $18,000,000,000 per year is needed to fully treat these persons at current medical protocols.

No one has to have a PhD in math to realize that things are not Getting Better… as Barack Obama’s magic show wishes us to believe. Although Proposition 8 has been overturned and is being appealed, LGBTi persons are being trained for military service, human life and life itself is dependent on inputs from the external physical and cultural environment.

As a human rights lawyer you should be APPALLED by my treatment. I will have not had clean water to drink since February 12, 2007 almost four years ago.

600,000 persons living HIV/AIDS is more than a moral problem it is an economic and homeland security issue. The Democrats have been beaten soundly and the unemployment rate projected for the 2012 election by the CBO is 8.2%. This translates to an Obama - Democrat defeat.

Political interests aside, I am spiritual devotee of the Hare Krishna Movement. I do this out of seva, this means service to Radha Krishna. There is HIV/AIDS support group by this name Seva, perhaps you are familiar with them. (GLADD and Seva also need to be addressed.

Barack Obama is 49.5 years old today. Yesterday I was 49.5 years old.

The allegation is that Cambridge Law School has orchestrated the defection and legal work for this event. These 600,000 HIV/AIDS positive persons represent an unquantifiable amount of injury.

I ask that you recognize this Chemical Assault and confront Obama to fulfill his legal obligations to all the parties concerned.

Thank you for your consideration.
Radhe Radhe!!!

David Nollmeyer
Along the Salton Sea CA


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