Friday, November 26, 2010

LGBTi Support Groups – Sanitization

P1010020 Desert Shores California

Happy Holidays! Thanksgiving is over and I hope you and your family had a happy one. I am attempting to get my gears here Along the Salton Sea. Sanitization reflects the interests of the guilty. LAPD is aware of the large LGBTi community in the Coachella Valley specifically Cathedral City and in Palm Springs.

I have become more focused as I concentrate on abnormal psychology and sworn officials. A direct implication during the present time period are the LGBTi support groups:

Marriage Equality - Evan Wolfson
Courage Campaign - Rick Jacobs
LAMBDA Legal - Keith Harthcourt

All these organizations will have their historical and possibly their sworn lawyers scrutinized. It is clear that that I am heterosexual or straight. I have been attacked by a Gay Militia of rogue officers from LAPD. Currently I am in Desert Shores, Along the Salton Sea. This inland lake is Chemically Despoiled. Bullying and Stalking Have occurred nationwide. I have survived by following my faith and the law.

My Hare Krishna beliefs especially those concerning Madhurya Rasa are sustaining me beyond common survival which is a baseline.

The leaders cited supra are being debilitated by the Gay Militia. These organizations have their own interests and well run web and media campaigns which are only photo-op when the entire continuum of LGBTi history is considered.

The Right to Marry - This should include me as a heterosexual and LAPD as a Gay Militia to be relevant. What is Barack Obama’s legal liability?
Don’t Ask - Don’t Tell - LAPD is a paramilitary organization and there is a Chemical Assault based over my natural person and citizenship. I have no legal recognition whatsoever.
HIV Positive Population - LAMBDA Legal does extensive work on this issue. What is the legal position of those affected. What about those that have died. President Reagan to Obama appear to have a dubious legal position here.

There is an HIV support group named SEVA in San Francisco. Seva is a Vedic word that means service. Correctly applied this would direct one’s dharma (occupation) to sanatana dharma (eternal religion). In degree helping HIV positive persons is SEVA although there could be issues with some practices as sexuality and possibly some medications. The meds appear to be ok to me even if they were animal sourced if they are saving humans.

I am being framed and stalked quite extensively here. I have LGBTi friends although I argue heterosexuality as only a natural law support for spirituality.

My worship of Radha Krishna excludes both heterosexuality and homosexuality. They have no reason for either as they are eternal and their love is DIVINE and not mundane sexuality.

The attack on me does indeed go beyond my person as those unfortunate families and individuals who live in it’s path. I will become more open and direct.

It is my Seva or service to inform and hopefully build opposition to the prisoner dilemmas quid pro quo informant system that has attacked the human race.

Targeted Chemical Assaults are possible anywhere in the world.


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