John Paul II: Peregrino del Mundo
My first thoughts concerning John Paul II when this ordeal began was that I had a fighting mans chance of recognition. I was totally convinced that then President Ronald Reagan would immediately end this fiasco once he had clear facts as to the principals.
In degree I spent over eight months under house arrest when I should of went to college in Delaware from June 17, 1987 to March 1988. The air at this time was a lite sheen of muriatic acid. This is essentially Visine. It is also an ingredient to make Methamphetamine. The ruse was that if I completed 150 credits of college I would be shielded. I had I believe about ninety units for credit with a GPA of 2.43.
Around March of 1988 I hitchiked and took a bus to Mexico City DF. I stopped around Wilmington, North Carolina. I was on a dirt road when a shot rang out. Two persons emerged with about a .45 caliber pistol. That night down the road a policeman was gunned down on another dirt road.
I went to the Cuban Embassy and asked for asylum and was refused. Fidel Castro and the Pope are arch rivals.
When I was living in Southern Colorado the Pope held several youth festivals in Denver to my increduality. He nor the Christians ever mentioned me. Then again ISKCON or the Krishnas never did either. This event is code-named AKBAR. The muslims are on record as the nearest to treating me as a human. It is strange that the majority of my Direct Action work involves advocating persons in Islamic countries.
I had another opporortunity to see the Pope in Mexico but was robbed in Vera Cruz.
I would go on record to say that I am not a supporter of John Paul II's sainthood. The pedophilia scandal in the United States is question alone to any fast track status. It appears as if the Holy See is wishing to leap over any historical factuality while all these cases are settled.
The Pope last words are "Let me go to the house of the Father."
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John Paul II
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