Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Return To Blythe & Colorado River

Blythe 10-2009 003a

Colorado River

It has been almost three years since I have been in Blythe. In 2007 the Radhanatha event started. Radhanatha Swami's Autobiography has been released almost to the day of my return here.

Since John McCain and John Kyl are Arizona senators this should add legal and historical interest. Jane Napolitano is also has been the Governor and is now Homeland Security Secretary.

Since Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize this also provides for contrast. This area has very negative antecedents for both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Three years ago I stated from almost the exact location from where I am writing that the persons were on my side would win and those on LAPD's side would lose.

This is true. In three years time people became doctors and lawyers. I should have written a a 300 page book. I did easily write well over that amount in journals and direct complaints. I have about 2500 friends on Facebook sites.

I feel more defined. I am openly challenging the University of California on the sanitization of history and academic fraud.

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