Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Biological Warfare – Implications for the UK?

The future implications for the United Kingdom have to be taken into consideration. If the allegation is true that a circle of LGBTi Cambridge Law School professors are the origin and authorship of a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth, the viability of the human race, other natural species, and the environment is severely damaged to the injury of the United Kingdom and the United States.

At the present instance the H1N1 virus appears to only manifest mild symptoms equitable to seasonal flu. Here one should note without being sensational that Robert Mugabe has laid claims that the British were spreading cholera in Zimbabwe.

The United Kingdom is not adequately situated within the parameters of a Hinterland Theory. He controls the hinterland controls the world.

The island territories that comprise the United Kingdom are not readily defensible. Here Germany would be the strongest ally if attacks occur from the east.

It does not seem reasonable that the United States would abandon the British. Of further concern is retaliation to the LGBTi culture.

Currently all populations are informant-antisocial. Here the surveillance of LAPD defines individuals with illicit dealings for benefit with the police. The United States has 2.4 million persons under incarceration, over 1.1 million HIV cases, and at least 3 million Hepatitis C cases.

There is considerable concern that biological warfare through behavior transactions is under recognized.



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